PBIS at Fox Creek Elementary
- What is PBIS? PBIS stands for Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports. This is a behavior program designed to better engage our learners and minimize distractions throughout the school day.
View our PBIS Brochure Here
- One of the important aspects of this program is having consistent expectations throughout the building. There are three expectations Fox Creek students follow.
1. Be Respectful
2. Be Responsible
3. Be Ready
- All Fox Creek Students are familiar with these three expectations and have learned what they mean for each area of Fox Creek School.
- Our PBIS Matrix explains what each of these expectations means for each area of the Fox Creek School Environment.
- When a staff member sees a student exhibiting one of the three expectations that student has a chance to earn a Fox Rocks! A Fox Rocks is an orange ticket that students use to buy items at the school store. Ten winners are also drawn each month at an assembly. Fox Rocks are also rewarded to students for bus behavior, substitute teacher behavior, and lunch room behavior. One random day per month selected students who have followed our expectations earn an Out of the Blue Day reward. It is one more way to recognize good behavior and to tell Fox Creek students how great they are!!
- Each month a particular spotlight behavior is targeted. This behavior is retaught in classrooms and students create a product that highlights this expectation. The best products are displayed on the PBIS bulletin board by the office and students receive a certificate and a pop at lunch. At the end of the month an assembly is held to review the spotlight behavior and introduce next month's targeted behavior.
- As an additional incentive students may receive a Timberwolf Award. Students are nominated for this award by teachers for exceptional behavior that goes above and beyond daily expectations. Timberwolf Award recipients are acknowledged at monthly assemblies and have their photo taken with Mr. Larson.
Checks: Checks are given to students when students do not follow behavioral expectations..
Office Referrals: An office referral is given for major violations. The principal will investigate the incident and determine appropriate action to resolve the issue.
- PBIS is a national movement. It is a proactive systems approach for creating and maintaining safe and effective learning environments in schools. Currently, more than 535 of the State’s 4,000 school buildings participate in PBIS.
- PBIS is also a federally funded research project. The things we do that are a part of PBIS are monitored by the state of Illinois and U.S. Department. Data from our building, our district and our state is combined with the data from schools in 26 other states to influence Federal education policy. Because of this, we have access to some of the cutting edge research from leading authorities in the Nation. If you would like to see some of this research, log on to www.pbis.org.
- Let us know if you have a question about PBIS at this school. We’d be happy to share with you how your child is learning more while shaping national policy.